Hilde Køhler Sommerfeldt

Hilde Køhler Sommerfeldt
Hilde Køhler Sommerfeldt
Sayso / HairShop AS
In our lounges we have fun! We love our own slogan and have taken the fight against NO MORE BAD HAIR DAYS. We like to give ourselves and look for young playful talents who are not so solemn that it will not be fun. We love to learn tricks and tricks with easy grip to our customers. They should be nice on the hair all the time between the hairdressing visits. We work to provide customers with smart and fun concepts because our coworkers like to have fun at work. Enthusiasm is on top and hair is fun!
Hilde has a varied background and extensive experience from bla. chain operations and the shopping center world. She has long experience in retail trade as the center manager in the AMFI chain. She has also worked in the hotel industry for a couple of years in a regional chain as hotel director. Hilde has a hairdresser education at the bottom and started in the company in 1991 with the establishment of the Nikita chain.